Real Raw Stories

A portal into the heart. And my rawest expression.

Sexually Empowered
Jason Lim Jason Lim

Sexually Empowered

Earlier this year when I was overseas another man sucked my cock. It was the first time something like this has ever happened. Upon reflection I definitely think I was giving out some Gay vibes.

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The Life Force Energy
Jason Lim Jason Lim

The Life Force Energy

Your Life Force Energy, your ‘Cum’ is one of your biggest currencies of energy as a male. Our sperm is the carrier of life, an organism once met with an egg allows us to pro create. A powerful phenomena present throughout the animal kingdom allowing our species to survive.

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Jason Lim Jason Lim


When it has come to having sex I have always felt an immense of pressure to perform a particular way. Conditioned by watching all of that porn I knew how I wanted things to go down, all in which did not translate into the bedroom. Unconscious masturbation being the culprit all in which one at that age felt harmless.

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The Sexual Conditioning
Jason Lim Jason Lim

The Sexual Conditioning

Now In order to properly understand an area I think it’s important to take it back in time and look into what has conditioned us for to behave a certain way. You’ll be getting a good glimpse into my journey through the sexual realms and out of all the pieces I have written I think this one could be the most useful one for men to reflect on and even for women to get a glimpse into a man’s psyche.

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Money and the Puzzle
Jason Lim Jason Lim

Money and the Puzzle

Don’t get too excited, Money is only one piece of the puzzle. Money, a topic that has really made me reflect on a few things in life lately. First off let me say that money is an important aspect of ones life. It has allowed me to travel the world, dine at some extraordinary restaurants, invest in tools to enrich ones life and also purchase experiences that make this life worth living.

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Depression - An Annual Review
Jason Lim Jason Lim

Depression - An Annual Review

It’s been a whole year since I was chronically depressed, an identity that feels foreign though fragments of moments seep back to memory flashing me back on a dark time. A lot has happened in-between, a full spectrum array of emotions and events solidifying a very eventful year teaching me some priceless lessons all in which now I can finally say I’m grateful for.

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The Single Life
Jason Lim Jason Lim

The Single Life

Let’s be serious here, when you’re single you nurture yourself in a different way, there’s an extra ‘pep’ in your step. You nurture yourself in new ways and when you think of it on a primal level we want to see if what we are putting out is received from a potential partner. It’s a survival instinct in which would allow us to pro create allowing our blood line and ancestors to live on.

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The Uncoupling
Jason Lim Jason Lim

The Uncoupling

After seven incredible years Eva and I have decided to ‘Consciously Uncouple’. A terminology that represents what is now unfolding for us. The decision was mutual and made by the both of us. It wasn’t just her choice nor was it mine but something that we both have come to the conclusion that would serve us best moving forward in our next chapter of life.

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Life in Seasons
Jason Lim Jason Lim

Life in Seasons

We meet again social media world, it’s been about half a year since my last post, in the meantime I had a full blown mid life crisis which was scary as shit. With pretty much every single area in my life rattled, a move, housing issues, closure of business, change of jobs, social circle shakeup, financial challenges, severe depression, suicidal ideation, gut issues, skin flare ups and turbulent times with Eva.

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The Male Asian Experience
Jason Lim Jason Lim

The Male Asian Experience

Transitioning into high school was a nerve wracking time. Here I was a little Chinese kid ready to experience the big leagues. I grew up in the western suburbs of Melbourne in a suburb called Keilor Downs which hosted a diverse array of nationalities from Asians, Arabs, Europeans, Australians, Blacks, Indians and more.

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Asian Identity
Jason Lim Jason Lim

Asian Identity

Growing up I didn’t want to be Asian, my very cultural heritage was one of my biggest insecurities. My upbringing in Australia had made me want to be as ‘White’ as possible which escalated each year I grew older.

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Sex and Self Love
Jason Lim Jason Lim

Sex and Self Love

Growing up as a male all I can remember being one horny confused kid. I have paid to have sex workers in my time, so yes I have exchanged money in return for sex and a few blow/hand jobs.

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An Early Letter
Jason Lim Jason Lim

An Early Letter

Hey, it’s me from the future. Just wanted to let you know a few things to ease your anxiety. You will not be lonely forever! I kid you not you're going to have a banging ass soul mate with super sexy blue eyes and the two of you will be absolutely mad over each other.

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