Money and the Puzzle

Don’t get too excited, Money is only one piece of the puzzle.

Money, a topic that has really made me reflect on a few things in life lately.

First off let me say that money is an important aspect of ones life. It has allowed me to travel the world, dine at some extraordinary restaurants, invest in tools to enrich ones life and also purchase experiences that make this life worth living. It is also the currency in which we use to trade and operate in todays society.

Money is energy, and like many things a skill to attract into ones field. I feel powerful doing so which alleviates the financial stress one may feel in order to function productively and safely.

Though from my own personal experience, is only ONE piece of the puzzle.

Money vs Time

Time is of the Essence, As of my current lifestyle and being self employed. I have been able to trade off the amount of hours I would normally work in order to free up time to enjoy life. I’m able to do things I love like cooking, creating videos, spend quality time with friends and family, or go to the beach when the weather is nice and I’m a happier soul for it.

I have done the whole 9-5 corporate job and it simply does not resonate with me. To work 40 hours a week for 2 days off at job you don’t love, only to play catch up on errands with house chores on the weekend followed by getting lit to escape reality.

As for annual leave, after working for a year you are only able to take 1 month off leave, provided that they allow you to in certain times of the year. This to me in my eyes is not a good ratio for work life balance.

I was so excited to get into the workforce when I was 21 years old and earn a salary only to find out I was more miserable and restricted what my life was to be as long as I continued this trajectory. In order to sooth myself I would buy things that I didn’t need in order to fill a void of sadness.

After having some profound moments abroad I learned there was more to life then just having a ‘comfortable’ full time job. The thing is with time it’s something that you cannot purchase. Life passes us by but how present are with it all? Are we really enjoying ourselves? I guess it’s hard to compare when you haven’t experienced an alternate way of living. How much is enough in order for us to start truly living? I’ll tell you what now is the best time. Remember folks, you can’t spend your money when you’re dead.

Money vs Health

I will keep preaching this as long as I breathe ‘Your Health is your Wealth’. In today’s society we bank a lot on having money when we retire so we can enjoy the fruits of a lifetimes worth of labour. Though in the process of achieving this vision one may neglect their health along the journey.

A sacrifice sadly that starts to reveal itself as we age, one with irreversible impact that may lead to regret. Whilst I was at my lowest recently, I would have traded everything I had if I knew I would have my health be back to one hundred. You see health is not a short term fad but an ongoing lifestyle that helps us feel healthy and vibrant allowing us to get the most of life. It puzzles me why people don’t prioritise it more.

All that money from our savings will now have to go to medical expenses, and that trip to Europe we were envisioning with the wifey ain’t going to happen anymore due to the bad knees and heart condition.

A couple of posts which have stuck recently

I’m going to be climbing mountains when I’m 80 years old, just you wait and see.

Money vs Character

Recently it has been interesting to meet many different people both with a new set of eyes to help me reflect on what I deem important. Some of these people on paper would be richer financially then me though I would consider them very poor in many aspects of areas in their life such as character, relation to spirit and the way they carry themselves in this world.

In a recent event a so called ‘friend’ that I was connected with through my ex demonstrated some behaviour that helped me solidify my theory.

In the current timeline on a Saturday night, he had messaged me to come out for dinner in which my ex would also be joining though I kindly declined due to a dance event I already committed to, I told him we could catch up another time though as I would make some effort and see where this friendship goes.

Somewhere next on the timeline news had reached his ears that we were now undergoing a separation, not wasting anytime proceeded to participate in some shenanigans all in the hopes this would be kept on the down low from me. Thus would majorly overstep some of my boundaries and the code I follow.

The next day by a stroke of fate and I would like to say the universe looking over me I caught wind of this fuckery. Confused, I then proceeded to call him for some further clarification and understand if he was as delusional as he appears.

I’ve never had to make a call like this before so I was quite interested to see how things were going to play out. After some confession and exposing his true colours and intentions he proceeded to tell me in his defence and I will quote you in his words and not mine ‘Women make me weak!’ To help justify his actions.

I think this would be the first time in my life where I cried and laughed at the very same time. The crying part to see the current state of what is going through some men’s brain, and laugh because it’s in that exact moment I felt very good about my life, the work I’ve done on myself and the way that I carry myself in this world.

You see I can fuck with a lot of things in life but one thing that I can’t fuck with is fake. As I evolve I strive to become more authentic as possible, peeling off more layers and putting myself our there like this blog, in the hopes to make the world a little bit better then I entered it.

This kind of individual repulses me and I simply have no business what so ever to be around this bad energy. Because now you’re not just trying to fuck with me, you’re fucking with the kids in Cambodia who need a house & education whom I’m trying to help. I’m not a violent person but I would gladly lodge my elbow into his skull as some people need a reality check and a slice of humble pie, the audacity of some cunts, fuck. I probably need to meditate a bit more but this stuff boils my blood, I guess thats what happens when people don’t go through your own screening process.

Remember Energy attracts Energy. I had this download on my recent acid trip ‘You’re only as conscious as the amount of shit you let your social circle get away with’. The apple don’t fall far from the tree my friends. The sad part of this whole ordeal is the realisation that any connection is co created. I’ll let that sink in for a moment.

Loyalty, respect and integrity cannot be bought but must be earned so when I meet people with money I’m not impressed to begin with as I value other richness in life.

There was a book I read called ‘Slow’ by Brooke McAlary. A great read. There was a chapter in there about keeping up with the Jones’s. Because everyone else is doing it I should be doing it right? I would encourage you to pave your own path as many of these old systems and conditioning may not align with you. Never live above your means to try an impress people, you’ll learn the hard way, take it from personal experience.

Time and time again you see people with money who are miserable, evidence that there is more to the puzzle of life.

Would you need money if you lived in a community that lived off the land to survive? Could you still be happy? I’d bet yes.

Value real connection, time with loved ones, peace is priceless, discover purpose, and don’t forget to play, make the time count. Cos once it’s gone, it’s gone.




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