An Early Letter

Hey, it’s me from the future. Just wanted to let you know a few things to ease your anxiety.

You will not be lonely forever! I kid you not you're going to have a banging ass soul mate with super sexy blue eyes and the two of you will be absolutely mad over each other.

That skin of yours that you’re constantly worried about breaking out daily isn’t going to be as bad as you think. You’ll realise giving it constant attention and obsessing over it is helping fuel it.

Your hair will be starting to thin out like dad’s but don’t worry, having a shaved head will suit you, trust me.

Mum’s going to put you up for the money to get braces so those fang looking teeth will straighten up and become a nice big smile so be nice to her.

You’ll also be resistant to join the family tradition and wear glasses which I know you think is dorky, but it’ll be temporary until you get Lasik.

You’re going to actually enjoy being Asian and be proud of where you come from; and don’t stress the size of your cock, it’s just fine.

I know you’re jealous of some of your friends but you’re not going to be a virgin forever although you’ll have to wait a while longer for that one.

You’re on the right path with dad’s camera you keep using, believe it not you're going to be a talented film maker and create films that inspire and impact generations to come.

You and your new partner are also going to own an incredibly successful and fulfilling business together where you sell crystals (not shard) but gemstones spreading the beauty of imperfection.

You will be fortunate to travel to different ends of the Earth having experiences and telling stories better than any movie or video game you have seen.

The majority of your friends circle is going to get a good shakeup and with your new friends you can actually just be yourself.

You will move out of home and spending time with the family and Sunday Dinners are going to be so much fun with a few more extra additions to join in.

You will be deeply connected to Pachamama and she will always be there to guide you and heal you whenever you need answers.

Man, you're going to be so powerful, that voice you find so difficult to speak to people with is going to help spread love echoing through the universe.

I’m proud of you, you’ve been doing great, everything is going to be fine just enjoy the journey as it’s going to be a wild one.

Maybe just take it easy on the wanking you little naughty bugger.

Love Jason Wee-Siang Lim

15 years from the future


Sex and Self Love