The Life Force Energy

The Sexual Realms

Part 1 - Sexual Conditioning
Part 2 -

The Life Force Energy [3/4]

Life Force

Your Life Force Energy, your ‘Cum’ is one of your biggest currencies of Energy as a male. Our sperm is the carrier of life, an organism once met with an egg allows us to pro create. A powerful phenomena present throughout the animal kingdom allowing a specie to survive. Up to 200 million sperm are released with each ejaculation. In context think about that all of us won the jackpot to be here, a race in which the odds were stacked against us. As any one of those 200 million sperm could have created life also. What a number, and truly mind blowing when thought about.

What if I told you that right now you were only operating at maybe a 60% of your full potential and that if you retained your semen for extended periods you could harness this energy to your advantage. We (males) have somewhat of a bank of how much we can ejaculate in our lifetime. All those early years of daily ejaculation had used up a fair amount. Being younger carries more vigour so we can get away with more frequency though the older we get the more we feel the effects of it.

How many of you have felt depleted after ejaculating? Some post nut symptoms include feelings of being weak, lethargic, unstable, emotional, numb, drained, it also drains minerals that our body produces. I remember feeling this quite regularly as a teenager which directly rippled to many areas of my life.

A Leak in Sexual Energy

For us men how many times have you hit up a girl, slept with her and later regretted it. What transpires after that is a mountain of confusion from both parties. As for him all he really wanted was a vessel to penetrate now presented is the head ache at hand that comes along with it. From her side a more emotional confused aspect due the mixed signals of this connection. This is what I call thinking with your Dick and not your Brain. Unless addressed becomes a repetitive cycle and drama becomes the normal. Little does one realise how this badly this can suck the energy of his life.

A sexual leak in a relationship could mean that a partner is more likely to cheat on you. This separating a boy from a man. Symptoms of a boy are wanting instant gratification. To cash in what he has now instead of thinking of the future at hand and whats at stake, the boy not being able to resist his urges acting upon every desire. The boy has a hard time trusting himself as he does not believe that he may accomplish what he has set out to conquer, to stick to his cause, the necessary discipline to achieve it.

After entering a relationship sex became some what of the norm, the nuance of it started to fade. I would notice a shift in my energy after ejaculation. Was this nourishing for me or was I feeling more depleted, if things continued at this pace was it sustainable?

Taoist Philosophy

I started looking for some help in which I came across Taoism. A philosophical tradition from China which has a focus on the benefits of retaining ejaculation and circulating energy to achieve Full Body Orgasms, different to the more popularised genital orgasm in which doesn’t deplete you but nourishes you. This occurrence achieved in prolonged arrousal requires a great deal of physical, mental, and emotional practices. The goal to work towards Conscious Ejaculation. Baffled that I hadn’t heart of this earlier I took a deep dive into this new teachings.

The Modern Day Struggle

I heard a statistic that 75% of men have suffered the effects of premature ejaculation, after hearing this I didn’t feel alone. The effects of porn ruining men’s health with alarming rates of people having Erectile dysfunction and low libido. I have felt the pain of this despair and can be very emasculating as a Man.

Energy goes where attention flows. Seeing as though I had very little knowledge in this field I started deep diving looking for mentors I found resonance with, digesting podcasts and books to help me understand what was going on and I am so grateful because of it. I never liked the feeling of feeling helpless in these kind of areas.

The Reclamation of the Cock

Part of my healing journey has been to reconnect and honor my penis, I have written notes to remind him that he is loved and I’m sorry for the way I mistreated. This is why it is important to do the deeper work and let go of previous events that may have left you feeling shameful or guilty. After learning some practices and where to focus energy on I have been in deep awe of how many things I’ve overlooked and have since come along way, still not at the point of controlled ejaculation but I have no doubt at this trajectory it will be possible to achieve it. Taking focus of the genital region have also felt the shades of the Full Body Orgasm, something very new to me and exciting to explore.

If indeed you have had the same struggle what I can tell you is that you are most like clunked up around your hips and Sacral area. If you can barely sit on the floor right now without feeling like your leg is going to go numb and fall off is probably a sign that the energy is not flowing.

From my personal experience I can tell you you’re probably overly tight in your ass from all the tensing accumulated just before ejaculation and you would probably benefit from some manual release, that you’re breathe isn’t potentially being funnelled properly in order to circulate the energy during arrousal. The mind can be cunning and are creatures of habit, you may think it’s time to release but that is the test to last longer. When you are in tune with your body you will know when it’s time.

The Biggest Challenges


Practice and getting to know yourself very well I call this the Dojo for your Dick. Undertaking such a training requires dedication and some level of privacy in order to not be interrupted in a very intimate act with ones self. Having a space in which a shared house or having the kids unexpected burst through the door at any moment can prove challenging. Just like any muscle in your body things will take time to grow.

Many people don’t even have time to cook their own food, or go to the gym to workout so cultivating a self pleasure practice is something like this comes last on the list, especially if they aren’t to fazed about having an intimate life. It’s amazing what you will learn with a candle, sexy music and some coconut oil.

In Union

That fire that was burning bright has now dried up. To embarrassed to let anyone the truth of the last time there was any intimacy in the relationship. A partner feeling more like a house mate rather then a lover. With some deeper conversations pending. Him being avoidant and her wishing there was an extra digit on the length of their sex life.

You may think it may be weak to invest into areas of intimacy and sex but believe me if you tell any woman that you are willing to make the relationship better it is incredibly sexy, anything else is a story in your head and if they are not encouraging then you best be finding yourself a new partner.

I will say this after getting out of a relationship I have felt a bit of pressure come off my shoulders to undertake this training. No one to feel like I’m letting down in this process or even have this kind of conversation with.

If you are quite sensitive and need to take things back a few notches, taking a break from penetration so you can slowly build up without ejaculation. A partner can be of great help, helping you edge and not to ‘cross over the line’. If you say you will commit to this work and find yourself playing video games instead, know that your partner will not only be diss satisfied and be seen as a someone she doesn’t trust which is sure to have a negative impact on the relationship.

Females you hold the gear stick in order to help cultivate this or deplete him. Don’t believe me? Observe his energy pre and post ejaculation. If you are use to him cumming, bring him to the edge and let him retain it.

Cultivating the Life Force

Once I started cultivating this energy into other areas of my life like my physical training, business, creativity, things feel more easeful. Life has more vitality and I’m taking care of myself more eating cleaner, training consistantly, sleeping longer I got tested to see where my markers were in the realms of testosterone and the reports came back in with feedback of being at optimal standards. I guess this reassured me that something I was doing was working and not only did I see it, I felt it as well. Waking up on a raging boner was a good indication, I felt strong in my body and horny for life itself.

Fully Loaded

I had a mushroom journey in which the intention was to explore the topic of sex. To enter a state and dive into this Realm without judgement. At the end of the journey to cap off the night I was having my shower to close off the ceremony. It was getting hot and steamy in there I was feeling it and proceeded to self pleasure. In all resulting me ejaculation into my hand. And for the very first time decided to eat a load of my own cum. It was a very empowering moment and many things have shifted since that day. In my curiosity I thought to myself If anyone was going to try what my cum should taste like I think it should definitely be me.

My first reaction was that the taste wasn’t unpleasant at all, accompanied with the feeling of a high vibrational clean energy. I would attribute that to the current lifestyle and diet I have been specifically consuming. No seed oils, fast foods or processed shit in my foods, formulating a cocktail of organically rich, fluorite free, unvaxxxed cum.

Releasing at such a time is a potent time for manifestation. With this life force carries a potent energy so setting intentions before hand has been a great practice.

The Result

I wasn’t kidding when I said I was in a relationship with myself. Coming up to an entire year being single and I have yet to make out or have sex with another woman. This is the biggest gap since I’ve been 16 years old.

In this past year I have travelled to three different continents, Got into great shape and more functional then ever, summited 3 grueling mountains in one i did not think i may make it back, relocated to a place that nourishes my soul, started 2 new aligned businesses, have made great relationships been more vulnerable then ever before. Not bad for someone that was thinking of necking himself a couple of years ago and I owe attribute a large chunk of it due to retention and up levelling in this space, and the best part we are just getting started!

Resources I recommend


Chris Bale

Nic Warner


The way of the Superior Man


Sex, Love & Everything In Between
Jacob + Meg O’neill

Plant Medicine

Setting an intention for the journey around intimacy and sexuality

Beserker Mode

Doing an activity that allows you to get 100% force has really helped build

Activites like kicking a bag as hard as you can

Sprinting to 100% capacity

Lifting heavy ass weights.

Let that shit breathe

I have stopped wearing underwear about 95% of the time. Tight jocks squashes the compresses the energy too much

Part 4 to be continued


Sexually Empowered
