Sexually Empowered

The Sexual Realms

Part 1 - Sexual Conditioning
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Life Force Energy

Sexually Empowered [4/4]

^ To finish off this series I decided to do a narration to the post, Enjoy!

Earlier this year when I was overseas another man sucked my cock. It was the first time something like this has ever happened. Upon reflection I definitely think I was giving out some Gay vibes.

Like some of my greatest stories it begins with a tab of LSD. I definitely feel like being in these spaces softens the walls a bit, opening me up to an array of unexpected events.

I casually strolled into a massage parlour to get a deep tissue massage. Initially I did have a choice in which to choose the male or female therapist but seeing as though I was after a stronger massage I opted for the gentleman, I think he took that as a sign.

To begin I changed into some massage attire ready to receive. Midway through the massage I’m flipped onto my back and he starts stroking my inner thigh, brushing the sides of my balls. After it happened a couple times I was convinced that this was no coincidence. Mind you this is the first bit of action I had felt in a long time since splitting with me ex, and the feeling was pretty good if you ask me.

If anyone has worn one of these outfits you would know that there is no where for your cock to go, but up, a clear visible sign that the strokes have been effective. He checked in a couple of times asking “is this okay,” I’m like ‘yeah'. As someone who has also facilitated massages I was curious to see what he was going to do next.

He checked in one last time asking is this okay? I’m like yes with a little grin on my face. If I had to guess my assumption that this was possibly leading to a handjob or maybe a finger up my ass or something. Next thing you know he has slid my pants off and has started sucking me off.

My first thought process to hit me was ‘ok we are doing this’ and ‘can I be catching some shit like this?’ Didn’t take too long til it was finished. I could not help but laugh out loud in what had just transpired.

Also if this doesn’t certify me in some gay way I don’t know what else does. But, I’m okay with that, you see the labels don’t hurt me like they use to. Such an act could have me teased and banished from the Tribe in my earlier years. Though these days I’m feeling somewhat secure within myself to share something like this. I’ve learned what someone says about you says more about them than you, and all you gotta tell them is to ‘Relax Bro you wouldn’t be my type anyway’.

At the end of the interaction I told him

‘This is the first time I’ve done something like this’.

To his surprise his reply was ‘Really’? I could not help but laugh again as in his eyes I probably had the moves of someone who had done this before.

Let’s be serious here when I said I was here for the whole human experience this low key was on the list. After reflecting on the situation it proved to be quite an expansive experience. For one going back to one of my earlier posts, if there ain’t no love it just don’t feel as good.

Also it re assured me how I’m still very much into women and in awe of the female essence. Initially there was some resistance to share this though over time I felt comfortable telling some of my female and gay friends, and one of my heterosexual male friends who I have a great banter with in which we had a good laugh, that cunt definitely keeps me youthful.

Sharing something like this is not something you just drop mid convo unless there was some challenges around it, though it’s something I just laugh about now.

One thing I will say is don’t knock things until you try them yourself. This is a concept that I hate when people have yet to try a particular food, or travel to a place. Same applies for exploring kinks, might just be your new favourite thing.

Bringing Sexy Back

As Justin Timberlake would say were bringing Sexy Back. Coming back to the single life has inspired a new essence. Nothing will keep you as sharp as entering the dating world again.

All this time to myself has been great to really get to know who I really am. Both the strengths and weaknesses, this allowing me to know where to channel energy towards next. And lately I have been putting in work on all grounds. Not shying away from the bright lights, pushing myself to the edge in many Realms.

They say how you fuck life is how you fuck in the bedroom. Liberated in many aspects, this past year has has been a real celebration in how far we have come in this journey. A new me bearing a new confidence which I’m totally digging. One of those things is getting into awesome shape. You like it? I sculpted it myself with discipline and sacrifice.

You’ve probably been seeing me more naked online capturing me in this radiant state. Hell I’ve even been turning myself on with some of the shit I’ve been creating, to dance with the sexual energy can liven ones soul, sure to make some girl’s pussy wet (or dick hard).

One of the greatest things you can do as a man is to be very clear what you want. Once identified this makes it easy to know where to head towards. A man without a plan or purpose is a lost man who may be dominant in his feminine. There comes a point to pave your own path and make decisions whether they are right or wrong all my best lessons have come from taking action instead of being overly passive.

Here are some rules I have set for myself

1. No Porn

Pretty straight forward. A large part of my early conditioning was due to watching porn. It’s fake and detrimental to ones health. The sooner you stop watching it the sooner you will experience real intimacy. Porn was designed to make us Men weak and deplete our life force. Hence why the majority of it out there is free. I always wondered how intimacy would have looked without the influence of porn. I guess thats something I I’ve been reverting back to.

2. No Dating Apps

I feel the most part of me previously being on a dating app was a chance for me to help feel validated. And even though my profile now would be more stacked then ever, it’s a place where I think you can lose a lot of energy in. Part of being on these platforms can come from a space of scarcity. Possibly loneliness, or laziness or that the maternal clock is ticking.

Call me old fashioned but I really enjoy the in person approach, getting out there in the real world and attracting the right fit instead of searching for it. Plus I feel it’s where I do my best work where you can really feel the chemistry. And If people want to see some form of a profile I’ll link them to my blog, they will get an idea of who they are dealing with there after.

3. No Sex on the First Night

One thing that I will change after reflecting of my previous relationship is not having sex on the first night. I think jumping straight into the deep end can kill that magical time of the build up. Climaxing to soon, it felt like if we didn’t have sex there after it’s like we were going backwards in some ways.

I guess if it doesn’t happen on the first night then I guess it’s not meant to be. Taking a moment to pause and getting to know each other, before having such a big intimate energy exchange can be a great precautionary move, to see if ones pheromones are really in sync without being masked by substances.

I’ve done some solid work in clearing this area in my life. So absorbing anything that would not serve seems counter productive and I’m far less desperate than before.

4. The Slow Dance

I have been committed to live a slower pace of life, especially living out of the city. Applying that same pace to the love making process in the bedroom is no difference. A fast pace will ensure a fast ending. The juicy spaciousness in which moments of love making doesn’t have to be scheduled in the calendar, more spontaneous and fun and not a chore.

Before the penetration next I want to take things as slow as possible, this exploring every single step building an immense connection, a long fun ass foreplay. I’ve already mentally starting adding scenes that tickle my fancy. Utilising both parties imagination to create a Realm of fun this also takes off the pressure of sex and by the time the penetration rolls around I’m sure the sexual tension is going to be fucking intense.

5. Sex with someone you could see mothering your child.

Ok this one could be a challenging one, resisting the urge to just have sex with just anyone. Even the allure of a woman’s beauty on it’s own is not enough as there needs to be a deeper connection, where you can entice the thought of them as the mother of your child. That kind of energy.

The Package

As Loreal Says “Love the Skin you’re in”. We Asians are making a resurgence in the public eye and I think people are catching wind of us. I like to think we are an intelligent species, brought up with great cultural values, traditions and food.

Now if you have yet to go skin to skin with an Asian guy it’s quite the experience, make sure to pop one of us on your Bucket List. I now see myself on the same side of the coin of the ‘Yellow Fever’. The soft, sun kissed, hairless Asian skin, the small ‘slut’ waist, and odourless gene of ABCC11 sure to be a refreshing change from others.

But most importantly you may have all these physical traits but without the personality and energy that comes along with it is a vessel without a spirit. I know I may not be everyones cup of tea, though for another it may the exact frequency they are looking for.

Identifying Strengths

After reflection I know what kind of partner would work well alongside me and I know what I can offer her.

For one I feel confident enough to hold space in union. My previous relationship being my university, and I’m sure if you asked her she would say I done a good job.

To travel places together one didn’t even know the names existed, a slow paced life prioritised around health and connection to nature. Darlin’ you’ll never have to eat shit food ever again. You like touch? That just so happens to be one of my love languages, you’ll find out I’m a team player and gladly lick pussy, ass whatever you want, by that stage I’m merely a vessel orchestrating the magic from the stars above.

Calling it in

After spending a lot more time with my niece and nephew I’ve decided that I‘d like kids of my own. One of the greatest things you can do in this human experience is start a family and for the first time in my life I’ve made that quite clear and would love to see some of my own.

Though I have a few more years of selfish solo travelling to embark on. As well as setting up the businesses in a way to be more of a passive income. This allowing me to be the provider I’d like in which I would be better prepared. The more in my divine masculine I am the more I will attract a woman in her feminine essence and I don’t know about you but I like my women feminine. Which means one has to level up.

Wrap Up

I’d be lying if I said that writing this series has come easy. The vulnerability hangover after these posts was real. Strangers, my parents, family, anyone really plugging in could get a glimpse of this very intimate part of my life.

All in all coming back to the intention that some of this may resonate with others, some of this may even trigger others. Currently our society has a lot of weak, confused, dis empowered men not knowing what to do falling into the same cycles and getting no where, I say that as that was my living state. That if one line resonates with one person then it was all worth it.

Whatever you have done in the past just know that there is always an opportunity to re write your story, and heal from any events or experiences that may still be weighing you down and may some of my story inspire that.

If anyone wants to reflect or has any feedback on anything please do send me a message. Or if called do to so anonymously I’ll post a link below.


Remember information without integration is wasted knowledge, so the rest is up to you big dog.

Much Love

Jason x


The Life Force Energy