The Single Life

Who knew I would already move into another relationship this quick, to a very very special person that I’ve known since young, ME!

Let’s be serious here, when you’re single you nurture yourself in a different way, there’s an extra ‘pep’ in your step. You nurture yourself in new ways and when you think of it on a primal level we want to see if what we are putting out is received from a potential partner. It’s a survival instinct in which would allow us to pro create allowing our blood line and ancestors to live on.

Getting overly comfortable can prove problematic in a relationship, I myself am guilty of that in the past, you would find me in my Lululemon gear all day, overdue for a good shave and not wanting to leave the house. Though I find laziness not to be a sexy trait and if we want to call forth a partner, or future, or people in our own life who aren’t lazy, we best not be embodying it in our own life. And make no mistake there is a difference between resting and laziness.

Being back on the single train has already brought forth many teachings and ways of living. Now, all my decision’s aren’t based on two, but only one, numero uno. All in which feels foreign. You kind of get used to things operating life in a certain way and forget what that feels like after seven years to steer the entire ship.

Now integrating new freedom back in where no permission needs to be asked, or no self administered guilt received for being that extra bit selfish. Even things like not seeing an incoming call from your partner unknowingly what it will bring forth feels kind of peaceful, and let me tell you a thing or two about my nervous system that it likes peace. My intuition feels stronger then ever lately giving me pings for my next move I need to make for my greater evolution and now there are no speed humps to execute them, I can just do.

I guess it’s just different and for this stage of my journey and what I’m calling in it suits my lifestyle. All that extra energy that I would spend giving to a singular relationship now gets distributed to other areas like my businesses, friends and family, and again myself who I’ve frequently been spoiling the shit out. And if we look at it from a ROI (return on investment) of energy/happiness, I’m getting a great return all in which create a great wholesome balance in my life right now.

Do I miss certain elements of being in an intimate relationship? Yeah I do! You bet I love a good spoon! Though I have also been pleasantly surprised how many things you can cultivate on your own instead of the co dependency on your partner to for fill that. It has been also refreshing knowing that my friends and family have been there to support me emotionally as my partner would.

Overtime we will naturally take on many traits from your partner, many in which may not necessarily be part of our true essence. I find myself re examining many wants or behavioral patterns to see if that’s for me or something to let go of which don’t feel authentic or serve my higher purpose. Re defining what values matter to me has been a big one as all decisions will be based around, also cultivating new boundaries will set great foundations for this next chapter.

This next wave is going to be a big Kahuna and I haven’t felt like this in a long time.

When the world becomes your playground again. I like very much.

Much Love



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