Rebuilding Lives

Client: Global Transitions Foundation
Shoot: 5 days
Deliverables - 3 Various Videos to be used on the Website Landscape Format

Project Brief: To create impactful videos highlighting the event’s experience

Location : Siem Reap, Cambodia

When I first learned about this project, my soul immediately ignited with excitement. I had been waiting for a call in a project like this to contribute my skills to humanitarian work and make a meaningful difference. Little did I know that what followed would leave a lasting impact on my life and reshape my view of the world.

The project surpassed all my expectations. It brought together a whole team from around the world that would soon become family, selflessly dedicated to transforming the lives of under privileged families in villages across Cambodia.

There comes a moment in life when one realises their cup is full enough to give. Engaging in a project like this brings a profound sense of joy that can only be experienced firsthand - projects that truly put things into perspective. It was in these moments that I grasped the essence of being in service to something greater than myself. The late-night edits and meticulous attention to detail were driven by the innocent smiles of children and the resilience of hardworking families knowing that this video could impact many more to come.

This is just the beginning of our collaboration with a big vision to build many more houses and even a school. I highly encourage anyone who is thinking about it to give in this way, as an experience like this will change you forever.